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Friday, November 4, 2022

CBSE Class 10 Information Technology (code 402) for 2022-23

 CBSE Class 10 Information Technology (code 402) for 2022-23


In this article, you will be able to know and learn about some important terminologies, MCQ, and Q&A that are frequently asked while learning and teaching class 10 computer science.

Computer accessibility

Computer accessibility refers to the user-friendliness of a computer system for all, regardless of disability.

Different types of impairments

Different types of impairments are:

·       Cognitive impairments and learning disabilities

·       Visual impairments

·       Hearing impairments

·       Motor or dexterity impairments

Sticky keys

·       Sticky key is an accessibility feature to help computer users with physical disabilities.

·       Sticky keys are used as a means to reduce repetitive strain.

·       Sticky keys allow the user to press and release a modifier key such as shift, ctrl, alt, or the windows key and have it remain active until any other key is pressed.

Filter keys

Filter key is an accessibility function that tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated keystrokes, making typing easier for people with hand tremors.

Toggle keys

·       Toggle key is an accessibility function that is designed for people who have vision impairment or cognitive disabilities.

·       When the Toggle keys are turned on, the computer emits sound cues when the locking keys (CapsLock, NumLock, or Scroll Lock ) are pressed.

Sound Sentry

·       Sound Sentry is designed to help users with auditory impairments.

·       Sound Sentry generates visual warnings such as a blinking title bar or a flashing border, whenever the computer generates a sound.

High contrast

High contrast is an accessibility feature to assist people with vision impairment.

Cursor option

The cursor option is an accessibility feature that assists people with vision impairment by changing the blink rate and width of the cursor.

Serial keys

·       Serial key is an accessibility feature that assists people with difficulty using a keyboard, mouse, or both.

·       Special devices such as Sip, Puff, and Breath switches are used to input the computer through serial ports.

Word Press

· WordPress refers to a free web service that you can use to create a beautiful website or blog.

·       Word Press supports “themes” for customizing the design of a blog.

Internet security

·       Internet security is a branch of computer security specifically related to the Internet, often involving browser and network security.

·       Internet security establishes rules and measures against attacks over the Internet.


·       Headers are text or images included at the top of the page.

·       Headers usually contain important information such as the company or department name, logo, page number, and author name separated from the work or document area.

Steps to insert header

Click on the insert tab on the ribbon à click on the header option in the header and footer group.


Footers are text or images included at the bottom of the page and may repeat on all pages of the document.


Styles or styles are pre-defined or customized options used for creating good-looking professional documents with the least effort.


·       Templates or document templates refer to a sample fill-in-the-blank document that can help in saving time.

·       A template is a model that you use to create other documents.

·       Templates can contain text, graphics, a set of styles, and a user-specific set of information such as measurement units, language, the default printer, and toolbar and menu customization.

Page and section break

·       Page and section breaks can be used to separate a document into sections.

·       A page break can be inserted anywhere in a document to force the end of a page and the beginning of a new one.

·       Section breaks add flexibility to formatting your document.

Speaker notes

·       Speaker notes are guided text used by the presenter during a presentation.

·       Speaker notes can be short or long texts that can be used as a reference by the presenter while making a presentation.


·       Cropping means removing unwanted areas from an image starting from its boundary.

·       In cropping, only a part of the original image remains.


·       Scaling means changing the size of a full image.

·       In scaling, the image remains full but its height and width are different with respect to the original image.

Wrap setting

The wrap setting determines the relation between the text and the graphic.

Freeze in spreadsheet

Freezing a particular row or column in a spreadsheet means that a specific row or column doesn’t change when you scroll.

Slide transition

A Slide transition is a visual motion when one slide changes to the next during a presentation.

Trojan Horse

A Trojan Horse is a malicious program that performs functions like deleting or damaging files.


1.    Write any two functions of an entrepreneur.

Two functions of an entrepreneur are:

·       Innovation and creativity

·       Risk taking and achievement, organization and management

2.    What is independent working?

Taking the initiative rather than waiting to be told what to do, without the need for external prodding and working until the job is completed.

3. What do you mean by a computer virus? Give two examples.

·       Computer viruses are malicious codes/programs that cause damage to data and files on a system.

·       Computer viruses can attack any part of a computer’s software such as boot block, operating system, system areas, files, and application-program-macros.

·       Two examples of computer viruses are WORMS and Trojan Horse.

What is a WORM?

·       WORM stands for Write Once Read Many Times.

·       A WORM is a self-replicating program that eats up the entire disk space or memory.

Click the link given below for


Electronic spreadsheet

Click the link given below for

Web services and mobile technologies

Class-10 Assignment
Practice set-1
Practice set-2

To know more visit : https://zueducator.blogspot.com

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